with innovative actions and participation in informative and educational events

The Hellenic Recovery Recycling Corporation (HERRCO) participated in Attica Green Expo, held for a second consecutive year at the Faliro Olympic Indoor Hall, TAE KWON DO, from May 24th to 27th, 2023.
In particular, HERRCO had a dynamic presence at the Exhibition through its interactive stand, 50 m², aiming to raise awareness among visitors about the protection of natural resources, waste reduction and sustainable development through circular economy. Businesses, agencies, organizations, institutional actors, schools and the general public visited the stand and were informed by the company's executives about the results of the Blue Bin and the Blue Bell in the country, as well as the ways in which they can help to tackle climate change, through daily and systematic recycling.
In addition, through the award-winning action "Amusement Park of Recycling", more than 8,000 students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the materials that are recycled through the Blue Bin, setting a good example for adults to include recycling in their daily routine.
On Thursday, May 25, the General Manager of HERRCO, Yiannis Razis participated in the HSWMA information event on "Alternative Management in Greece - Obstacles and Prospects". Mr. Razis initially referred to the successful route of HERRCO, which, as he noted, is largely due to the contribution of the Municipalities to the company's efforts. Having as main goal a more sustainable and "green" tomorrow, Mr. Razis pointed out the need for immediate action by the Central Public Administration in restoring the orderly operation of the packaging recycling system in the country and the need to effectively deal with “free riders”, calling the local authorities and producers to urgently raise the existing issues to the new political leadership.
During the Award Ceremony of the Educational Program "EPAGOGI", HERRCO’s Head of Educational Programs and Communication with Local Authorities, Mrs. Vicky Manana, referred to the participation and support of HERRCO in the program of environmental trainings and campaigns implemented by the NGO NoWaste21, aiming to inform and raise awareness to the educational community. "Nowadays, with the increase of the environmental problems due to climate change, the information and the active participation of citizens, individually and collectively, is a priority, while the cultivation of environmental consciousness at young ages is particularly important", emphasized Mrs. Manana.
HERRCO will continue to participate and organize initiatives, programs and campaigns that shape a new environmental culture and promote an environmentally responsible behavior.