Participation of Mr. Michael E. Economakis, HERRCO Chairman, on the "Circular Economy for Sustainable Development” panel held under the Olympia Forum II at the Zappeion Palace 20-21 October.
Through a cycle of opinion presentations on the importance of circular economy and sustainable development, he analysed HERRCO's significant contribution in packaging recycling that covers 96% of the national goal, which in numbers translates as: 490,000 tons out of the total of 511,000. Among other things, he referred to the importance of the social and environmental impact of HERRCO's overall work. By way of example, on an annual basis, through the blue bin activity, a volume equivalent to 18 football pitches 10 metres high is saved from the country's sanitary landfills, emissions equivalent to 1.44 million tons of carbon dioxide are saved, electricity equal to the annual consumption of 870,000 households is saved, while more than 5,000 jobs are indirectly and directly maintained.
You can watch the entire video with his speech in the following link at 14:40''